Sampling using sim_tools classes#

This notebook provides an overview of how to use the Distribution classes from the sim_tools.distributions module.

The classes are a higher level abstract of sampling from the numpy library. They encapsulate the distribution parameters, a random number generator instance, and a random seed. For example, the code for the Exponential class is:

class Exponential(Distribution):
    Convenience class for the exponential distribution.
    packages up distribution parameters, seed and random generator.

    def __init__(self, mean: float, random_seed: Optional[int] = None):

        mean: float
            The mean of the exponential distribution

        random_seed: int, optional (default=None)
            A random seed to reproduce samples.  If set to none then a unique
            sample is created.
        self.mean = mean

    def sample(self, size: Optional[int] = None) -> float | np.ndarray:
        Generate a sample from the exponential distribution

        size: int, optional (default=None)
            the number of samples to return.  If size=None then a single
            sample is returned.
        return self.rng.exponential(self.mean, size=size)

Here we can see that the __init__ method accepts the distribution mean plus a random seed to control sampling from a np.random.Generator object. The creation of the generator is done by the super class Distribution

The sample method delegates work to the np.random.Generator object.

The abstraction into a class enables the distribution to be used as a simple parameter in a model.

For some classes there are no direct mappings to numpy. Samples from these distributions are typically derived from other distributions. For example, PearsonV is an inverse gamma distribution.

class PearsonV(Distribution):
    The PearsonV(alpha, beta) is an inverse Gamma distribution.

    Where alpha = shape, and beta = scale (> 0)

    Law (2007, pg 293-294) defines the distribution as
    PearsonV(alpha, beta) = 1/Gamma(alpha, 1/beta) and note that the
    PDF is similar to that of lognormal, but has a larger spike
    close to 0.  It can be used to model the time to complete a task.

    For certain values of the shape parameter the mean and var can be
    directly computed

    mean = beta / (alpha - 1) for alpha > 1.0
    var = beta^2 / (alpha - 1)^2 X (alpha - 2) fpr alpha > 2.0

    Alternative Sources:

    sources last accessed 03/01/2024

    A good R package for Pearson distributions is PearsonDS


    def __init__(self, alpha: float, beta: float, random_seed: Optional[int] = None):

        alpha: float
            Shape parameter. Must be > 0

        beta: float
            Scale parameter. Must be > 0

        random_seed, int, optional (default=None)
            A random seed to reproduce samples. If set to none then a unique
            sample is created.
        if alpha <= 0 or beta <= 0:
            raise ValueError("alpha and beta must be > 0")
        self.alpha = alpha  # shape
        self.beta = beta  # scale
        self.rng = np.random.default_rng(random_seed)

    def mean(self) -> float:
        Compute the mean of the PearsonV

        If alpha <= 1.0 raises a ValueError
        if self.alpha > 1.0:
            return self.beta / (self.alpha - 1)
            msg = "Cannot directly compute mean when alpha <= 1.0"
            raise ValueError(msg)

    def var(self) -> float:
        Compute the Variance of the PearsonV

        If alpha <= 2.0 raises a ValueError
        if self.alpha > 2.0:
            return (self.beta**2) / (((self.alpha - 1) ** 2) * (self.alpha - 2))
            msg = "Cannot directly compute var when alpha <= 2.0"
            raise ValueError(msg)

    def sample(self, size: Optional[int] = None):
        Sample from the PearsonV distribution

        size: int, optional (default=None)
            Number of samples to return. If integer then
            numpy array returned.
        return 1 / self.rng.gamma(self.alpha, 1 / self.beta, size)

Summary of implemented distributions#

  1. Exponential: This class is used for modeling the time between events in a Poisson process, where events occur continuously and independently at a constant average rate. It takes the mean of the distribution and an optional random seed as parameters.

  2. Bernoulli: This class models a process where an event has only two possible outcomes (success or failure). It takes the probability of success and an optional random seed as parameters.

  3. Lognormal: This class is used when the logarithm of a variable is normally distributed. It takes the mean and standard deviation of the lognormal distribution and an optional random seed as parameters.

  4. Normal: This class models a process where a variable is normally distributed. It takes the mean and standard deviation of the normal distribution, a boolean to allow or disallow negative samples, and an optional random seed as parameters.

  5. Uniform: This class models a process where all outcomes are equally likely. It takes the lower and upper range of the uniform distribution and an optional random seed as parameters.

  6. Triangular: This class models a process where a variable is most likely to be at the mode (peak) and the probabilities decrease uniformly on either side. It takes the lower limit, mode, upper limit, and an optional random seed as parameters.

  7. FixedDistribution: This class returns a fixed value, useful when a constant value is needed in a simulation. It takes a fixed value as a parameter.

  8. CombinationDistribution: This class is used to model a process where the outcome is the sum of outcomes from multiple distributions. It takes multiple distribution instances as parameters.

  9. ContinuousEmpirical: This class is used to model a process based on observed data, where the probability of an outcome is proportional to its frequency in the data. To produce a continuous value, linear interpolation between bounds is used. It takes lower bounds (of a discrete empirical distribution), upper bounds, observed frequencies, and an optional random seed as parameters.

  10. Erlang: This class is used for modeling the time between events in a Poisson process, where events occur continuously and independently at a constant average rate. The class is implemented to allow for users to input the mean, and stdev of the distribution as opposed to k and theta. This allows for compatibility of parameters with other commerical simulation packages. The mean and stdev are converted to k and theta internally. The Erlang is a special case of the gamma distribution where is an integer. Internally this is implemented using numpy Generator’s gamma method. As k is calculated from the mean and stdev it is rounded to an integer value using python’s built in ‘round’ function. Optionally a user can offet the original of the distribution using the location parameter.

  11. ErlangK: The same as Erlang, but k and theta are specified directly by a user.

  12. The Weibull distribution class is characterized by a shape parameter (alpha) and a scale parameter (beta), both of which must be greater than zero. The scale parameter influences the variance of the samples. An optional location parameter can shift the distribution to set a lower bound. This distribution is useful for modeling the life duration of materials and systems, where the failure rate is not constant over time[1].

  13. The Gamma distribution class is defined by an alpha (scale) and beta (shape) parameter. It includes methods to compute the mean and variance, as well as a static method to determine alpha and beta from a specified mean and variance. The Gamma distribution is often used to model waiting times for multiple events in a Poisson process.

  14. The Beta distribution class accepts two shape parameters (alpha1 and alpha2) and can be rescaled to a specific range using lower and upper bounds. It is commonly used to model random variables that are constrained to an interval, such as proportions and percentages.

  15. Discrete distribution class allows sampling from a set of values with given observed frequencies. It is particularly useful for modeling scenarios where outcomes have specific probabilities, such as routing percentages or entity classes.

  16. TruncatedDistribution class can truncate any given distribution at a specified lower bound. It is useful when modeling variables that have a natural lower limit, ensuring that no sampled values fall below this threshold.

  17. The RawEmpirical distribution class enables sampling with replacement from a list of raw empirical values. This class is beneficial when no theoretical distribution fits the observed data well, and a non-parametric approach is preferred.

  18. The PearsonV (Pearson type 5) distribution, also known as the inverse Gamma distribution, is characterized by two parameters: alpha (shape) and beta (scale), both of which must be greater than zero. It is particularly useful for modeling time delays where there is a minimum delay and the maximum delay is unbounded. The mean and variance of the Pearson Type V distribution can be directly computed for certain values of the shape parameter.

  19. The PearsonVI (Pearson Type 6) distribution, an inverted beta distribution, is defined by three parameters: alpha1 (shape parameter 1), alpha2 (shape parameter 2), and beta (scale parameter), all of which must be greater than zero. The Pearson Type VI distribution can be used to model the time to complete tasks and is sampled using the transformation Pearson6(a1, a2, b) = b * X / (1 - X), where X is a Beta-distributed random variable with parameters alpha1 and alpha2. The mean and variance can be computed directly for certain values of the second shape parameter.

Example output#

The code below creates an instance of the distributions on offer. Here we used the size parameter in sample() to produce a large number of samples to allow for visualisation.

# import all distributions
from sim_tools.distributions import (Exponential, 

Create plots#

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Create an instance of each distribution and generate 10,000 samples
distributions = [
    Exponential(mean=1.0, random_seed=42),
    Poisson(rate=1.0, random_seed=42),
    Erlang(mean=32.0, stdev=9.26, location=2.83, random_seed=42),
    ErlangK(k=3, theta=1.0, location=0.0, random_seed=42),
    Bernoulli(p=0.3, random_seed=42),
    Lognormal(mean=10, stdev=1, random_seed=42),
    Normal(mean=0, sigma=1, allow_neg=True, random_seed=42),
    Uniform(low=0, high=1, random_seed=42),
    Triangular(low=0, mode=0.5, high=1, random_seed=42),
    CombinationDistribution(Exponential(mean=1.0), Normal(mean=0, sigma=1, allow_neg=True)),
    ContinuousEmpirical(lower_bounds = [0, 5, 10, 15, 30, 45, 60, 120, 180, 240, 480],
                        upper_bounds = [5, 10, 15, 30, 45, 60, 120, 180, 240, 480, 2880],
                        freq = [34, 4, 8, 13, 15, 13, 19, 13, 9,  12, 73],
    Weibull(alpha = 1.93, beta = 19.15, random_seed=42),
    Gamma(alpha = 2.84, beta = 7.42, location=0.0, random_seed=42),
    Beta(alpha1 = 1.32, alpha2 = 2.56, lower_bound=10.0, upper_bound=15.0, random_seed=42),
    Discrete(values=[1, 2, 3], freq=[95, 3, 2], random_seed=42),
    PearsonV(alpha=10.0, beta=2.5, random_seed=42),
    PearsonVI(alpha1=10.0, alpha2=5.0, beta=0.85, random_seed=42)


fig, axs = plt.subplots(len(distributions) // 2, 2, figsize=(15, 15))

for i, distribution in enumerate(distributions):
    row = i // 2
    col = i % 2
    samples = distribution.sample(size=100_000)
    axs[row, col].hist(samples, bins=30, alpha=0.7)
    axs[row, col].set_title(distribution.__class__.__name__)


Single samples#

arrival_dist = Exponential(mean=30, random_seed=42)
activity_time = ContinuousEmpirical(
                        lower_bounds=[0, 5, 10, 15, 30, 45, 60, 120, 180, 240, 480],
                        upper_bounds=[5, 10, 15, 30, 45, 60, 120, 180, 240, 480, 2880],
                        freq=[34, 4, 8, 13, 15, 13, 19, 13, 9,  12, 73],
